
June 20, 2023

Replacing Chemistry with Purpose

In past articles here, I have described the notion of the science of purpose. Purpose is ubiquitously observable in biology, and therefore subject to scientific analysis. The scientific method of analysis is to create a modeling relation between observation and theory. It is time for biology to incorporate purpose into its fundamental framework. The most striking observations in all of nature are the incomprehensibly sophisticated adaptations that organisms display, allowing survival in the wild. Natural selection is an inadequate explanation for what we readily observe. What is needed is a competing or replacement theory explaining those wonders of organismal form and function. The science of purpose is that theory. […]
May 16, 2023

Natural Selection Subtracts, It Doesn’t Add — And That Matters

In my previous post (“A New Look at Natural Selection”), I said that “natural selection” was Charles Darwin’s crowning intellectual achievement, for it created what appeared to be a naturalistic and mechanistic explanation for how organisms evolved. I also noted that evolution itself was already considered to have been well demonstrated in the fossil record by Lamarck and others some fifty years before Darwin.  In the 20th century, natural selection has been almost uniformly adopted by biologists as the explanatory agency for evolution. What appeals to naturalists is that it provides an explanation for the appearance of design in organisms, without an […]
April 18, 2023

A New Look at Natural Selection

Having introduced in earlier posts the idea of a “science of purpose,” I would like now to reflect upon what most naturalists identify as Darwin’s crowning intellectual achievement: natural selection. It is worthwhile to recall that some fifty years before Darwin, renowned naturalist Jean-Baptiste Lamarck had already proclaimed that organisms change over time, a most radical view indeed. The word evolution would not be used to describe this transformation until about fifty years after Lamarck’s death. Darwin agreed with and fortified Lamarck’s claims with detailed descriptions of the variations among species. The concept that species change over time was by no means newly articulated by Darwin. The question […]
January 24, 2023

The Elephant in the Science Lab

In previous posts I have been seeking to describe the science of purpose. Now it is worth getting down to the basics of what science actually is and how it works. The goal is to tease out what has heretofore been elusive for conventional science. I am referring to the elephant in the room, or rather in the laboratory: purpose. In this context it is necessary to distinguish between measuring grossly objective phenomena versus observing the effects of invisible forces and creating a theory as to what might account for them. Newton came up with a model for that ubiquitous invisible force called gravity. Einstein proved that Newton […]
November 3, 2022

A Closer Look at the Science of Purpose

In an earlier post, I introduced and defined what I called the “science of purpose.” Let us take a closer look at what that entails. The first thing to notice is that there really cannot be a science of organisms, i.e., biology, without understanding purpose. That this fact has been so neglected is, of course, a consequence of neo-Darwinism, which purports to show that purpose and design in life are only apparent, not real. Organisms that survive simply appear to be purpose-driven because those that are not driven by purpose suffer extinction as imposed by natural selection. Of course, this statement offers no explanation of […]
October 14, 2022

In the Name of Science: How Modern Medicine Reduced the Art of Healing

Excerpt from The Epoch Times | 10/13/22 Renowned internist and oncologist, Dr. Stephen Iacoboni said that the modern doctor is similar to a pilot—it is a stressful job as one is responsible for the life and death of the passengers, but the job of a pilot, unlike that of a doctor, is highly controlled by the mechanisms of the aircraft. Doctors have thus developed ways to manage this stress. “One of the ways to make it possible for you to cope with the responsibility and the uncertainty is to create in your mind a sense of great certainty that there is really […]
August 23, 2022

Interview with Eric Metaxas

Recently I had the honor and privilege of appearing on Eric Metaxas’ podcast show. Eric and I share a passion for spreading the word about the science of God. He  recently published Is Atheism Dead? which explores many of the false premises of modern atheism. In my book TELOS, I likewise examine those questions, and I propose an answer to the question of the mystery of life. Being a practitioning physician scientist, I have gained  a deep insight into the limitations of scientific atheism. Eric and I had a lively, engaged discussion on these topics. Please listen and enjoy.
April 7, 2022

Purpose Purpose Purpose

Okay, so in the first 3 blogs I sort of of set the stage for the challenge at hand.  But now let’s take a step back and remind ourselves of the plain truth which we are here to defend. The purpose of TELOS is  simply to illustrate that purpose is everywhere. It surrounds and abounds. It really is rather strange to even have to write a book defending the reality of purpose. But here we are. So let’s indulge in the pleasure of some exquisite examples of purpose.  In the first chapter of TELOS I described several vivid examples, that include the wariness of the […]